Putnik s leta Azerbaijan Airlinesa koji se srušio u Kazahstanu rekao je za Reuters da se čuo najmanje jedan glasan prasak kako se zrakoplov približavao planiranom odredištu Groznom u južnoj Rusiji. Let J2-8243 srušio se u srijedu i zapalio u blizini grada Aktaua u Kazahstanu nakon što je skrenuo s područja u južnoj Rusiji, gdje […]
This article reports on an Azerbaijani Airlines plane that crashed in Kazakhstan, killing all on board. A passenger claims to have heard an explosion near Grozny, Russia, before the plane changed course and crashed.
The main conceptual idea is the uncertainty surrounding the cause of the crash. While Russian authorities attribute it to a possible bird strike, a passenger's testimony about hearing an explosion raises questions and suggests a potential conflict-related incident given the proximity to Grozny, an area targeted by Russian air defense systems against Ukrainian drones.
This article reports on an Azerbaijani Airlines plane that crashed in Kazakhstan, killing all on board. A passenger claims to have heard an explosion near Grozny, Russia, before the plane changed course and crashed. The main conceptual idea is the uncertainty surrounding the cause of the crash. While Russian authorities attribute it to a possible bird strike, a passenger's testimony about hearing an explosion raises questions and suggests a potential conflict-related incident given the proximity to Grozny, an area targeted by Russian air defense systems against Ukrainian drones.